Flexible Payment Solutions (Sell On Credit) Functionality for B2B

Over 60% of B2B transactions involve credit terms, reflecting the demand for flexible payment options. Without offering credit, businesses face challenges such as limited cash flow and missed sales opportunities. Selling on credit provides business customers with the flexibility to pay over time, ensuring smoother cash flow and increased sales. This article explores the benefits and technical details of implementing selling on credit, highlighting its impact on B2B eCommerce operations.

Benefits of Selling on Credit

Improved Cash Flow Management

Offering credit allows businesses to manage cash flow more effectively by providing customers with flexible payment terms. This flexibility helps businesses maintain steady cash inflows while accommodating their customers' financial cycles. By balancing accounts receivable and payable, businesses can reduce the pressure on immediate cash needs, ensuring they have sufficient working capital to support ongoing operations.

Increased Sales and Customer Loyalty

Credit options can lead to increased sales as customers are more likely to make larger purchases when given the flexibility to pay over time. This enhances customer loyalty, as businesses offer a valuable service that meets their financial needs. Customers appreciate the trust and flexibility provided by credit terms, making them more likely to return for future purchases and maintain a long-term relationship with the business.

Competitive Advantage

Offering credit options provides a competitive edge over businesses that require upfront payments. This differentiation can attract new customers who prefer or require flexible payment terms and help retain existing customers who value this option. Businesses can position themselves as customer-centric, providing solutions that cater to the financial needs of their clients, thus standing out in a crowded market and enhancing their market position.

Technical Details of Implementing Selling on Credit

Setting Up Credit Terms

Businesses can configure credit terms such as net 30, net 60, or custom terms based on customer profiles and agreements. This setup involves defining the duration of credit, interest rates (if any), and due dates for payments, which are then automatically applied to customer accounts.

Credit Limit Management

Assign and manage credit limits for each customer to control and monitor credit risk. Set credit limits based on customer creditworthiness and payment history. Automated alerts can notify businesses when a customer approaches or exceeds their credit limit, ensuring proactive credit management.

Automated Invoicing and Payment Reminders

Automate the invoicing process and send payment reminders to customers to ensure timely payments and reduce the risk of late payments. Integration with accounting and CRM systems allows for seamless invoicing and follow-up, maintaining a consistent cash flow.

Credit Approval Workflow

Implement a credit approval workflow to assess and approve customer credit applications, ensuring that only eligible customers are granted credit terms. The workflow involves steps such as credit checks, setting credit limits, and final approval, all of which can be managed through the platform.

Integration with Financial Systems

Ensure that credit sales data is seamlessly integrated with financial and accounting systems for accurate record-keeping and financial reporting. APIs and integration options with popular accounting software facilitate efficient data management and reporting, providing a clear and accurate financial overview and enabling better decision-making.
Flexible Payment Solutions (Sell On Credit) Functionality for B2B Built For Your Store Today

Our team can give you a FREE custom quote for getting this functionality implemented on your website today.


  • What is selling on credit in B2B eCommerce? Selling on credit allows businesses to offer their customers flexible payment terms, enabling them to make purchases now and pay later within agreed-upon terms. This practice helps businesses improve cash flow and customer satisfaction.
  • How does selling on credit improve cash flow management? Selling on credit provides businesses with steady cash inflows by offering customers flexible payment schedules. This balance between accounts receivable and payable reduces the pressure on immediate cash needs, ensuring sufficient working capital.
  • Can selling on credit increase sales and customer loyalty? Yes, offering credit options can lead to larger purchases and higher customer satisfaction. Customers appreciate the flexibility to pay over time, which builds loyalty and encourages repeat business.
  • How do Shopify and BigCommerce support selling on credit? Both platforms provide tools to set up and manage credit terms, assign credit limits, automate invoicing and payment reminders, and integrate with financial systems for seamless data management. These features ensure efficient implementation and management of selling on credit.
  • What are the benefits of automating invoicing and payment reminders? Automation ensures timely invoicing and follow-up, reducing the risk of late payments and maintaining a consistent cash flow. Automated reminders help customers stay on track with their payments, enhancing financial management.
  • How can businesses manage credit limits for customers? Businesses can assign and adjust credit limits based on customer creditworthiness and payment history. Tools provided by Shopify and BigCommerce allow for monitoring and controlling credit risk, with automated alerts for approaching or exceeded limits.
  • Is selling on credit scalable for growing businesses? Yes, selling on credit is scalable. As businesses grow, they can adjust credit terms and limits, manage increasing customer accounts, and maintain efficient credit management processes to support expansion.
  • What kind of data is needed for effective credit management? Effective credit management requires detailed customer information, creditworthiness assessments, payment history, and integration with financial systems. This data ensures accurate tracking, personalized service, and efficient management of credit terms.
  • How can selling on credit provide a competitive advantage? Offering flexible payment terms can attract new customers and retain existing ones, differentiating the business from competitors who require upfront payments. This customer-centric approach meets the financial needs of clients and enhances market position.
  • How often should businesses review their credit policies? Businesses should regularly review and update their credit policies based on customer payment behavior and financial conditions, typically on a quarterly or biannual basis. Regular assessment ensures that credit terms remain effective and aligned with business goals.