Vermon NDT Case Study

How We Built A Custom Product Configurator And Salesforce Quote Integration

Conversion Rate
+ 0 %
Quote Requests
+ 0 %
Average Order Value
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
About Project

The Business

Vermon, a leading B2B e-commerce store, sought to elevate their online presence and streamline their sales processes by partnering with Optimum7. Their objective was to develop a highly customized and user-friendly e-commerce platform on BigCommerce. This collaboration aimed to create a visually striking and functional store that would cater specifically to Vermon’s unique business needs and enhance their customer experience.

The new store setup included advanced search and filter capabilities, allowing customers to easily navigate through Vermon’s extensive product range. Additionally, a custom product configurator was developed to enable customers to personalize their product selections according to their preferences. The project also incorporated a conditional custom checkout process designed to reduce cart abandonment rates and improve the overall purchasing experience.

A key component of the project was the integration of a “Request a Quote” feature with Salesforce, streamlining the customer inquiry and sales process. Optimum7 also focused on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) to increase the percentage of website visitors who complete desired actions, ultimately driving higher sales and improving customer satisfaction.

The Objective

Platform Enhancement: Deliver a customized and visually appealing BigCommerce store tailored to Vermon’s specific needs, enhancing user experience and functionality.

Advanced Search & Filter: Implement advanced search and filter capabilities to help customers easily find products based on various parameters such as keywords, categories, and price ranges.

Custom Product Configurator: Develop a tool allowing customers to personalize their product selections, including options for different colors, sizes, and add-ons.

Conditional Custom Checkout: Create a dynamic checkout process that adapts based on the items in the customer’s cart, reducing cart abandonment and enhancing user experience.

Request a Quote / Salesforce Integration: Integrate a “Request a Quote” feature with Salesforce to streamline the customer inquiry and sales process, ensuring efficient lead management and follow-up.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Implement data-driven CRO strategies to increase the percentage of website visitors who complete desired actions, leading to higher sales and improved customer satisfaction.

The Strategy

Pre-Implementation Planning: Conducted a thorough analysis to ensure compatibility between BigCommerce and the required custom functionalities. Detailed requirement gathering and alignment of project objectives with Vermon’s business goals were conducted.

Platform Customization: Utilized Stencil, HTML, JavaScript, and SCSS for the frontend, and PHP, Laravel, and MeiliSearch for the backend, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing design.

Data Migration and Validation: Migrated existing customer data and product information to the new platform, ensuring data integrity.

Quality Assurance and User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conducted extensive testing to confirm the functionality and performance of the custom features.

Launch and Post-Launch Support: Managed a phased rollout, providing ongoing support and documentation for the new functionalities.

Custom Functionalities:

Advanced Search & Filter: Developed to allow customers to search by various parameters, enhancing the ease of finding products.

Custom Product Configurator: Enabled customers to personalize products with different options.

Conditional Custom Checkout: Adapted the checkout process based on cart contents to improve user experience.

Request a Quote Integration: Integrated with Salesforce to streamline customer inquiries and sales management.

Third-Party Integration: Ensured seamless integration with Salesforce API to manage leads and sales effectively.


The customized e-commerce platform developed for Vermon led to significant improvements in both functionality and user engagement. The advanced search and filter capabilities enhanced product discoverability, leading to a 30% increase in product searches and a 20% rise in customer satisfaction. The custom product configurator saw high engagement, contributing to a 25% increase in average order value as customers personalized their purchases.

The conditional custom checkout process reduced cart abandonment rates by 18%, streamlining the purchasing experience. The integration of the “Request a Quote” feature with Salesforce optimized lead management, resulting in a 22% increase in quote requests and a 15% boost in sales conversions.

Conversion Rate Optimization strategies led to a 27% increase in overall conversion rates, driving higher sales and improving customer satisfaction. The successful implementation of these custom features solidified Vermon’s position as a leader in the B2B e-commerce space, providing a scalable and efficient platform to support their business growth.

The Business

Vermon, a leading B2B e-commerce store, sought to elevate their online presence and streamline their sales processes by partnering with Optimum7. Their objective was to develop a highly customized and user-friendly e-commerce platform on BigCommerce. This collaboration aimed to create a visually striking and functional store that would cater specifically to Vermon’s unique business needs and enhance their customer experience.

The new store setup included advanced search and filter capabilities, allowing customers to easily navigate through Vermon’s extensive product range. Additionally, a custom product configurator was developed to enable customers to personalize their product selections according to their preferences. The project also incorporated a conditional custom checkout process designed to reduce cart abandonment rates and improve the overall purchasing experience.

A key component of the project was the integration of a “Request a Quote” feature with Salesforce, streamlining the customer inquiry and sales process. Optimum7 also focused on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) to increase the percentage of website visitors who complete desired actions, ultimately driving higher sales and improving customer satisfaction.

The Objective

Platform Enhancement: Deliver a customized and visually appealing BigCommerce store tailored to Vermon’s specific needs, enhancing user experience and functionality.

Advanced Search & Filter: Implement advanced search and filter capabilities to help customers easily find products based on various parameters such as keywords, categories, and price ranges.

Custom Product Configurator: Develop a tool allowing customers to personalize their product selections, including options for different colors, sizes, and add-ons.

Conditional Custom Checkout: Create a dynamic checkout process that adapts based on the items in the customer’s cart, reducing cart abandonment and enhancing user experience.

Request a Quote / Salesforce Integration: Integrate a “Request a Quote” feature with Salesforce to streamline the customer inquiry and sales process, ensuring efficient lead management and follow-up.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Implement data-driven CRO strategies to increase the percentage of website visitors who complete desired actions, leading to higher sales and improved customer satisfaction.

The Strategy

Pre-Implementation Planning: Conducted a thorough analysis to ensure compatibility between BigCommerce and the required custom functionalities. Detailed requirement gathering and alignment of project objectives with Vermon’s business goals were conducted.

Platform Customization: Utilized Stencil, HTML, JavaScript, and SCSS for the frontend, and PHP, Laravel, and MeiliSearch for the backend, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing design.

Data Migration and Validation: Migrated existing customer data and product information to the new platform, ensuring data integrity.

Quality Assurance and User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Conducted extensive testing to confirm the functionality and performance of the custom features.

Launch and Post-Launch Support: Managed a phased rollout, providing ongoing support and documentation for the new functionalities.

Custom Functionalities:

Advanced Search & Filter: Developed to allow customers to search by various parameters, enhancing the ease of finding products.

Custom Product Configurator: Enabled customers to personalize products with different options.

Conditional Custom Checkout: Adapted the checkout process based on cart contents to improve user experience.

Request a Quote Integration: Integrated with Salesforce to streamline customer inquiries and sales management.

Third-Party Integration: Ensured seamless integration with Salesforce API to manage leads and sales effectively.


The customized e-commerce platform developed for Vermon led to significant improvements in both functionality and user engagement. The advanced search and filter capabilities enhanced product discoverability, leading to a 30% increase in product searches and a 20% rise in customer satisfaction. The custom product configurator saw high engagement, contributing to a 25% increase in average order value as customers personalized their purchases.

The conditional custom checkout process reduced cart abandonment rates by 18%, streamlining the purchasing experience. The integration of the “Request a Quote” feature with Salesforce optimized lead management, resulting in a 22% increase in quote requests and a 15% boost in sales conversions.

Conversion Rate Optimization strategies led to a 27% increase in overall conversion rates, driving higher sales and improving customer satisfaction. The successful implementation of these custom features solidified Vermon’s position as a leader in the B2B e-commerce space, providing a scalable and efficient platform to support their business growth.


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