Office Anything Case Study

How Office Anything Scaled 7x in 1 Year from Organic Traffic Alone

Organic Traffic YoY
+ 0 %
Organic Revenue YoY
+ 0 %
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %
eCommerce Platform
+ 0 %
About Project

The Business

Office Anything is a family-owned business that operates out of Jacksonville, Florida. It drop-ships luxury office furniture brands, from Cherryman to Mayline. They perform mainly B2B and B2C; offices and managers that buy in bulk would count as businesses, while individuals buying a single desk or chair for their would count as a customer. Because they are not the manufacturers, they have relatively low margins and high costs.

Due to low visibility and a dip in online traffic, Office Anything came to us in March 2019, for assistance with increasing their conversion rates. Their website was not performing adequately in reaching customers and optimizing leads, even with Google ads and Pay-Per-Click ads. We decided to take a different approach to increase revenue, conversions, and visibility.

The Objective

We have several goals with Office Anything: the first was to increase their online visibility so that their target market — office managers, entrepreneurs, and individuals with a home office — would see them after a customary Google search. The second was increasing their conversion rates, to ensure that revenue would, in turn, improve for the better. The third was ensuring that the user had a good experience on the website, selecting and ordering furniture with ease. When the user experience becomes better, that leads to the visibility and conversion rates’ increases in turn.

The Strategy

  • eCommerce Migration

  • SEO

  • Website Redesign

  • Rebranding

  • Custom Functionality: Advanced Search and Filter

eCommerce Migration

Originally, Office Anything used Volusion to host their storefront. Volusion in recent years has proven unsatisfactory in terms of modifications to individual platforms as well as customer service. We migrated them to BigCommerce in March 2019, because BigCommerce allows for more customization and convenience for both the viewer and the store owner.

volusion to bigcommerce



Our first step was to add and flesh out meaningful content to every category page and create an organized, structured hierarchy. Google ranks pages and websites based on the value that they offer to users, in relation to certain keywords. When you build that content, it means that you are more likely to rank on page one and reach customers. Google also takes site quality into account, while customers need an incentive to explore. Thus, we implemented writing on all of the category pages.

SEO does not just mean writing for the most relevant keywords but also ensuring that you rank on page one for certain types. We aim for the “buy intent” related ones, to target the customers most likely to make a purchase, as well as long-tailed keywords or specific phrases. For the phrase “reception desk,” for example, Office Anything was ranking only on page three or four on Google. We targeted “Modern reception desk” to reach page one on that phrase. As a result, the phrase “reception desk” entered the company’s keyword universe and built their online authority.

Website Redesign

Our marketers and programmers had to modify many conversion elements and deliver an online makeover for the website. The original Office Anything site had both a top and side menu, through which customers could search for specific chairs, desks, benches, and more. We changed the menus to simplify the user experience. With the way that the website was designed, the images required resizing for optimal viewing.


custom functionalities



Offices are professional environments, especially in luxury industries. Office Anything with luxury furniture needed to convey that it could satisfy the modern needs of managers, executives, and employees. To that end, we changed the color palette from bright colors to neutral tones, and made the logo more understated. It is still eye-catching but goes with darker shades of red and green rather than a bright sky-blue. That way, when an individual sees Office Anything’s logo, they could trust that the company would deliver on a professional image.

Custom Functionality: Advanced Search & Filter

While BigCommerce offers quite sufficient search filters, we added additional ones to improve the user experience. A website visitor can set their price points for the products they are viewing, and the menus show a more intuitive arrangement of furniture categories. “Shop By Price” is one of the most convenient features that an eCommerce site can have in the luxury industry.

custom functionalities


The Business

Office Anything is a family-owned business that operates out of Jacksonville, Florida. It drop-ships luxury office furniture brands, from Cherryman to Mayline. They perform mainly B2B and B2C; offices and managers that buy in bulk would count as businesses, while individuals buying a single desk or chair for their would count as a customer. Because they are not the manufacturers, they have relatively low margins and high costs.

Due to low visibility and a dip in online traffic, Office Anything came to us in March 2019, for assistance with increasing their conversion rates. Their website was not performing adequately in reaching customers and optimizing leads, even with Google ads and Pay-Per-Click ads. We decided to take a different approach to increase revenue, conversions, and visibility.

The Objective

We have several goals with Office Anything: the first was to increase their online visibility so that their target market — office managers, entrepreneurs, and individuals with a home office — would see them after a customary Google search. The second was increasing their conversion rates, to ensure that revenue would, in turn, improve for the better. The third was ensuring that the user had a good experience on the website, selecting and ordering furniture with ease. When the user experience becomes better, that leads to the visibility and conversion rates’ increases in turn.

The Strategy

  • eCommerce Migration

  • SEO

  • Website Redesign

  • Rebranding

  • Custom Functionality: Advanced Search and Filter

eCommerce Migration

Originally, Office Anything used Volusion to host their storefront. Volusion in recent years has proven unsatisfactory in terms of modifications to individual platforms as well as customer service. We migrated them to BigCommerce in March 2019, because BigCommerce allows for more customization and convenience for both the viewer and the store owner.

volusion to bigcommerce



Our first step was to add and flesh out meaningful content to every category page and create an organized, structured hierarchy. Google ranks pages and websites based on the value that they offer to users, in relation to certain keywords. When you build that content, it means that you are more likely to rank on page one and reach customers. Google also takes site quality into account, while customers need an incentive to explore. Thus, we implemented writing on all of the category pages.

SEO does not just mean writing for the most relevant keywords but also ensuring that you rank on page one for certain types. We aim for the “buy intent” related ones, to target the customers most likely to make a purchase, as well as long-tailed keywords or specific phrases. For the phrase “reception desk,” for example, Office Anything was ranking only on page three or four on Google. We targeted “Modern reception desk” to reach page one on that phrase. As a result, the phrase “reception desk” entered the company’s keyword universe and built their online authority.

Website Redesign

Our marketers and programmers had to modify many conversion elements and deliver an online makeover for the website. The original Office Anything site had both a top and side menu, through which customers could search for specific chairs, desks, benches, and more. We changed the menus to simplify the user experience. With the way that the website was designed, the images required resizing for optimal viewing.


custom functionalities



Offices are professional environments, especially in luxury industries. Office Anything with luxury furniture needed to convey that it could satisfy the modern needs of managers, executives, and employees. To that end, we changed the color palette from bright colors to neutral tones, and made the logo more understated. It is still eye-catching but goes with darker shades of red and green rather than a bright sky-blue. That way, when an individual sees Office Anything’s logo, they could trust that the company would deliver on a professional image.

Custom Functionality: Advanced Search & Filter

While BigCommerce offers quite sufficient search filters, we added additional ones to improve the user experience. A website visitor can set their price points for the products they are viewing, and the menus show a more intuitive arrangement of furniture categories. “Shop By Price” is one of the most convenient features that an eCommerce site can have in the luxury industry.

custom functionalities



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