eSoftware Associates Case Study

How We Customized eSoftware Associates’ WordPress Template

ESW Logo
+ 0 %
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %
ROI in the First 3 Months
+ 0 %
Wordpress Blog Integration with Related Products Sidebar
+ 0 %
About Project

The Business

eSoftware Associates is a Microsoft Consulting Company that is located in New York City, New York. They provide Microsoft Sharepoint, Power Platform, and other Office 365 services to their customers. Besides the specialized consulting business and solutions, eSoftware Associates also delivers training for organizations.

Due to its enhanced business needs, eSoftware Associates came to Optimum7 in hopes of improving its website design. We aimed to improve the user experience thanks to newly selected template customization.

ESW mockup

The Objective

Our main objective was to set up and customize the new template. We have worked to achieve a noticeable improvement in organic traffic values by showing their services and company profiles to their visitors with robust web design. Since there was a serious lack of design elements on the old website, we focused on interactive UI elements.

In addition, over the years, Optimum7 aimed to keep the site high-converting by making design changes and updates to the company’s needs and innovations.

The Strategy

  • Template Customization

  • Design Changes

eCommerce Template Customization


eSoftware Associates had our team set up the selected template that is suitable for their services. We used completely new and much more useful layouts. Then our team added CTAs, forms, and more interactive UI elements to the site. 


custom functionalities

Design Changes


Optimum7 did a new content hierarchy for the structure and the mega menu. Well-designed navigation made the website highly usable. We updated the service pages in accordance with the specific layout and made improvements to the page content. 


Owing to the new template and UI elements, we have been seeing a significant increase in the number of users visiting the website. This increase has also caused a spike in the number of customers who prefer to receive service from eSoftware Associates Inc. They continue to provide the best consultancy services with solutions and training.

The Business

eSoftware Associates is a Microsoft Consulting Company that is located in New York City, New York. They provide Microsoft Sharepoint, Power Platform, and other Office 365 services to their customers. Besides the specialized consulting business and solutions, eSoftware Associates also delivers training for organizations.

Due to its enhanced business needs, eSoftware Associates came to Optimum7 in hopes of improving its website design. We aimed to improve the user experience thanks to newly selected template customization.

ESW mockup

The Objective

Our main objective was to set up and customize the new template. We have worked to achieve a noticeable improvement in organic traffic values by showing their services and company profiles to their visitors with robust web design. Since there was a serious lack of design elements on the old website, we focused on interactive UI elements.

In addition, over the years, Optimum7 aimed to keep the site high-converting by making design changes and updates to the company’s needs and innovations.

The Strategy

  • Template Customization

  • Design Changes

eCommerce Template Customization


eSoftware Associates had our team set up the selected template that is suitable for their services. We used completely new and much more useful layouts. Then our team added CTAs, forms, and more interactive UI elements to the site. 


custom functionalities

Design Changes


Optimum7 did a new content hierarchy for the structure and the mega menu. Well-designed navigation made the website highly usable. We updated the service pages in accordance with the specific layout and made improvements to the page content. 


Owing to the new template and UI elements, we have been seeing a significant increase in the number of users visiting the website. This increase has also caused a spike in the number of customers who prefer to receive service from eSoftware Associates Inc. They continue to provide the best consultancy services with solutions and training.


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